ELEAGRON LOTTERY Contains several very important micro elements like zinc, ferrus, copper, boron, magnesium, sulphur, Mangenies & calcium contains micro nutrients in sulfate form, which in kind of very hardly find combination in current market. Plants/Crops requires such formulation to enhance
growth quickly.

More water solubility increase rate of absorption of micro nutrients by plants, and it’s good to say that ELEAGRON LOTTERY is 100% water soluble in nature thus suits best for quick & better yield.

Magnesium works like “Cook/Chef” by enhancing green colour of leaves due to its important participation in photosynthesis process. This way it maintains update of other nutrients by plant. Similar to
magnesium, Boron qualifies as part of this formulation due to it’s role in increasing immunity of plant & stay fit in diseased condition. Because of providing better health to plants, boron helps in plant growth at quicker rate.

Let’s have a look at another carrier called Zinc which protect plant growth by becoming an important
component to group of enzymes dealing with plant metabolism. Proteins are known as plant activation
based on it’s ability to increase growth quickly. Nitrogen comes in picture this way being a basic element
of plant Proteins.

Many of above micro elements enhance plant growth through various ways. Out of all, we can’t forget
importance of plant’s ability to absorb nutrients form soil. without absorbing nutrients, metabolism won’t
take inmaha nutrients.

Inshort Maha Lottery Nutrients works at many levels of plant growth as each and every growth level is important. We are glad to share secret of ELEAGRON LOTTERY in becoming one of the best growth promoter product in agro world.

Dose: Foliar spray. 2-3 ml/Itr of water

Product Composition

Zn       :       4.0%
Mn      :       0.5%
Fe       :       2.0%
Cu      :       0.3%
B         :      0.5%
CA       :      1.0%
Mg       :      1.0%

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